Solving Salesforce observability Challenges
Factorwise × Parseable
Get Logs, Alerts, Metrics, Performance monitoring, Dashboards and more... all with Factorwise logger and Parseable platform
What you get with Factorwise
An easy-to-use tiny logger written in Apex and a resilient forwarder that subscribes to the log events leveraging Pub/Sub API and forwards to Parseable
Apex and Flow logs
In addition to Apex logs, Factorwise logger also lets you send logs from flows using an invocable action.
User Id context
Each log event is automatically propagates the Salesforce user context in which the transaction occured.
Developer can publish log based metrics using Factorwise logger and then derive insights from them using Parseable UI or Grafana.
Alerts can be easily setup on Parseable to get real-time notifications when something unexpected happens in the system.
Performance monitoring
Salesforce governor limits consumed are sent with each event for every transaction and can be used to monitor performance metrics like CPU time, Heap usage etc.
No Data on Salesforce instance
Since the logs are not stored within Salesforce instance it is maintenance free and Parseable offers long term storage with any S3 compatible object store.